Wednesday, November 30, 2011

All I want for Christmas

Is my two front teeth! And I got them! They still look unnatural to me, but I think they will grow on me. I hope so. This is a temporary fix until I get implants.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

What have I gotten myself into?

Can I really do all the things I have on my plate? Gym, school, work, church callings, etc. Not necessarily in that order, but GWhiz. I used to have pajamas that said that on the shirt. When I lived with my dad.
What the heck am I thinking? I can barely do my school work and the gym. Why did I throw a job in there?
I have got to lose weight. It is making me insane. I am eating like crap, because I am never home. I am missing three days a week at the gym, and I just got started. This is not even the busiest time at work. Things are only going to get crazier. I hope I can maintain my sanity.
I know what you are going to say, let the gym go. But I absolutely am unwilling to let that go. I need at least 4 days a week just to maintain my weight. If I only go to my sessions I will gain weight. I can't do it, folks. I can't gain any more weight. I am already back to 300. I had to buy new clothes, because I got rid of all of my old bigger sized clothes. So what am I supposed to do?
Any thoughts?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Much better

Now I can see all my blogs again. The other layout template was interesting, but I didn't like it after a day or so. So I am back to the other way.
I am working, at Hickory Farms, again. The lady I work for is very nice and when she called I was so excited that she wanted me to work for her again I said yes before I could think about it. I am glad though, because it is a lot of fun. There are so many people out there that stop and say hi, or chat with you. Of course there are some that don't, but the majority of people are happy about getting a hello and how are you and will return it, given the chance. Mostly it ends in a sale, but even when it doesn't it is still pretty satisfying. And people's kids these days are just gorgeous. Makes me miss and wish I were closer to all the little kids in my life.
I am also still in school four days a week and still doing my personal training twice a week. So I am pretty busy. But I am happy.
I hope you are too.
I am thinking about doing a thankful post. I haven't done one in a year or so, and while I try to let people know when and why I am thankful for something they have done or just for them in general, I need to offer my gratitude to my Heavenly Father publicly for the very many blessings he provides me.
So look for that soon.
Gotta get to bed, I am a working girl now, gotta get up and go to work tomorrow.

Friday, November 4, 2011

modern greetings

My sister's company that she works for is launching a new website. It is awesome. It is moderngreetings.
Go sign up for a free photo book. Very cool stuff. Can't wait for the launch!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I got a phone call today from my old boss at Hickory Farms. She wants me to work for her again! YAY! That means I wasn't horrible. Anyway, I filled out my paperwork online and I think I start next week. Not sure, I have to get a phone call from her telling me when to come in and stuff.
I am so excited!