Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Numbness and tingling

Hey, do you think this post will have anything to do with my health?
As I sit, I am numb or tingling in no less than four of my limbs. I am back up to three hundred and two pounds. Yes, I am saying it out loud. But I don't know why. I am eating properly. I am working out like a fiend. I am taking all the right meds and getting off all the wrong ones. My eyes were swollen shut this morning. My nose is bright red like Santa Claus'. My hands are puffy like my feet, and my arms and legs are stiff and swollen like bratwurst. I am retaining so much water. I don't know why. I can't get rid of it. My doctor says on paper I am looking really good. My labs are all normal. My kidney function is normal.
This weight thing is doing nasty things to my brain. I can't handle this. I had to drop one of my classes because I am a can't hack it, no talent wuss. I am seriously considering dropping all my classes. I am considering stopping my workouts. I am considering binge-ing on whatever I can get my hands on, which unfortunately is fruits and veg because I have been so strict on my diet that there is no junk in the house. Not even crackers. I am so tired  of all this drama. A friend says drama makes you feel important and helps you feel connected to others. I tend to agree.
Instead of stopping anything, I will begin a food journal that takes into account everything I eat, drink, or sniff. Including how I feel about it, and what I am going to eat for the rest of the day. Also a weekly recap just in case I missed my abject failure the first time.
I will continue to work out like a dog, even though working out with all this water and weight is like breathing and moving through mud or wet concrete.
I will continue to go to school and hope I don't get too far behind.
There. I am done. I can go on with life.
Pray for me, people. Please.

Friday, September 9, 2011


Who wants to help me make slipcovers for three chairs or possible a sofa or all four? Come on, you know it will be loads of fun. I have never done it before, so it will be an experience to remember! Call me!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Well this last week just flew by. I think there may be some pathology there, but I am not sure. I won't elaborate, and you will thank me.
This week, however, seems to be taking forever. My house is a mess, I have too many projects going, and I am busy up to here---->!
Dylan got his wisdom teeth out this morning. One of the roots was a perfect hook. I have never seen anything like it. I know, I know, I don't look at wisdom teeth roots often. Well, any tooth roots for that matter. Anyway. It was the weirdest thing I have seen for a long time. It was shaped like a J. Strange. But at least it is out of there now. He is sleeping, and has been for most of the day.
I am getting my braces off this month! WOO HOO! I can not adequately express my feelings about this.
Four years, people.
Jeremy is having five teeth removed on Thursday.
I just deleted about three paragraphs. Grr.
I am not in the mood to rewrite them.
More later.